Tuesday 8 May 2012




All types of sports are popular globally, but what sports can we call THE most popular in the world?



It's no surprise that football is the world's most popular sport to play and to watch.
Football is popular in all of the UK, Europe, Asia as well as South America.



The next popular sport is cricket. This sport which consists of a bat and a ball has been around for hundreds of years and originated in England. The sport is popular in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, some African countries, some Caribbean countries and it is the most popular sport in the countries of India and Pakistan

The next one popular sport is field hockey, mostly in Asian countries, European countries, Australia and around Africa.

Coming up next is tennis. Tennis tends to be popular in richer countries, including the United States, Asian countries, Australia and Europe.

Next wehave volleyball. Volleyball is popular in the United States, where the sport originated, as well as in Brazil, all over Europe, Russia, China and Japan. Volleyball is a popular high school sport in many countries due to it's team centered play and lack of specialized equipment requirements.

Also popular is table tennis, otherwise known as Ping Pong. This is another surprisingly popular sport around the world. Table tennis originated in England as an after dinner activity for Victorians in the late 19th century. Table tennis as a competitive sport is popular in many countries but is especially popular in China, Korea and Singapore.

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